This is the gift of God, the ‘CHARISM’ that the Holy Spirit originally gave to the Cursillos of Christianity Movement through Eduardo Bonnin.
The Charism of Cursillo is to live ‘De Colores’, filled with grace, giving testimony in the movable square meter that surrounds us by the best means, that is friendship.
Cursillo was not born so there would be better Christians, nor so the ‘best’ would be Christians.
Cursillo was born so that Christians would ‘be’ Christians
- To be Christian is to know how to be in continual conversion
- To feel the longing to be Christian
- More than anything else, to feel loved by God (a.)
What is a Charism?

A charism is a gift freely given that God confers upon some people for the Good of the community. To a believer in living a religious experience of special intensity, is capable of making an extraordinary impact on the spiritual life of a group, the charism is granted: “For the good of all” (1Cor 12:7); “At the service of others” (1 Peter 4:10).
This gift conserves its relationship with its roots in the grace originally given, with these characteristics:
- A gift that proceeds from grace
- A gift with the character of public service
- A gift of service to the Gospel of which it gives testimony to (b.)
St. Pope John Paul II affirmed the necessity of being true to the original charism given to Cursillo, at the World Congress of Ecclesial Movements, May1998.
“The ecclesial movements are a response of the Spirit to the challenges of our time. They contribute significantly to the work of making the mystery of Christ present and to bring His work of salvation to the world. They are characterized by an original charism that is the source of the spiritual strength and the newness of every movement.”
The Cursillo of Christianity is to feel the intimate experience that ‘GOD LOVES ME!” The Cursillo of Christianity is to have an apostolic hunger as being baptized, to communicate the great news of the love of God to the most people in my environments with a preference to those distant, so that all will feel that God loves them.
The Charism of Cursillo is to live ‘De Colores’, filled with grace, giving testimony in the movable square meter that surrounds us by the best means that is friendship. This is the gift of God that He gave originally to the Cursillos of Christianity Movement. (c.)
This summary is taken from: Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillos
‘Study of Charism’
(a.) p.2; (b.) p.3; (c.) p.8
For full Study of the Charism by Canadian Conference of Catholic Cursillos please go to their website: CCC Documents & Links – Study of the Charism