POPE PAUL VI meeting with Cursillistas in 1966 said:

“Cursilllos de Cristiandad, that is the word, purified through experience, affirmed by its fruit, that today travels with citizenship papers through the world.
“We know that in your plan of spirituality and apostolate in the Cursillo Movement the ‘Sensus Ecclesiae’ (mind of the Church) is the guiding light that orients you. “Cursillos de Cristiandad! Christ, the Church, the Pope are counting on you!”
POPE PAUL VI’s message at the II World Ultreya in Mexico (May2,1970)
“Keep the Spirit alive Cursillistas! Walk the paths of the world, taking with you the Divine seal of grace on your faces, with confidence and serenity. May your friendship with Christ blossom throughout all the world in a thousand colours.”
ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II affirmed the necessity of being true to the original charism given to Cursillo, at the World Congress of Ecclesial Movements, May1998.
“The ecclesial movements are a response of the Spirit to the challenges of our time. They contribute significantly to the work of making the mystery of Christ present and to bring His work of salvation to the world. They are characterized by an original charism that is the source of the spiritual strength and the newness of every movement.”
“Dear Cursillistas! Follow confidently the way of formation and Christian life that you have undertaken with so much generosity!”
“Duc in Altum! (Go into the deep!)”