Greetings and blessings to you and all your loved ones, dear cursillistas!
It was so wonderful to see and chat with so many of you here at St. Joseph’s during our Cursillo Summer BBQ at the end of July. I hope you found it equally life-giving, spiritually nourishing, and physically scrumptious. Your presence is a gift, it is always a gift.
What a difference it is to gather in person, eh? And what opportunities we have in front of us – blessed occasions to gather with the caring hearts of our prayerful community. Starting in September and extending throughout the Fall and Winter (and beyond), we’ll be meeting, we’ll be growing, and we hope you can be part of this revitalizing chapter of Vancouver Cursillo. Whether gathering in-person for fellowship, sharing, and adoration or connecting online for our Ultreyas – no matter what, we’ll be journeying together, the Holy Spirit will be propelling us forward, and Our Lord Jesus will be lifting us up as one of His bright lights in our region.
Our connection is so important, brothers and sisters. And, yeah, some days and some nights it can be really hard to go the extra mile to connect. But is it worth it? Always, every time, without question.
Our Servant of God, Eduardo Bonnin Aguilo said, “We do not pretend to have any recipes to change the history of the past, but we do have the necessary CONVICTION, DESIRE, and PERSISTENCE to shape the history of today and tomorrow, into a history of FRIENDSHIP, a history of LOVE, and thus give truth to the greatest commandment of all, ‘To love the Lord your God, with your whole heart, your whole mind and your whole soul, and your neighbor as yourself.’”
Let us continue to stoke the holy fires of our common conviction and desire, brothers and sisters. Looking forward to seeing you soon and may the peace of Christ be with you all.
Fr. Mark McGuckin